The 4 Step Plan to Eliminating Bad Habits

Does someone on your team or in your family struggle with a long-standing habit that makes that person less productive, less able to change effectively, and a distraction or worse to your organization or family? The problem could be obesity, smoking, inappropriate work relationships, or internet addiction. It might include procrastination, social unease, toxic gossip, poor written work, or one of many difficult behaviors.

Do you have a lot at stake in changing this behavior? Does this behavior keep you awake at night?

As someone who reads many business books, I am careful of using too many superlatives about a single book. After all, many authors address similar material and offer helpful advice from various points of view. If you single out one book above many others, you potentially limit the reader’s options.

But Change Anything, The New Science of Personal Success by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler, leaders of the organizational development and corporate training firm VitalSmarts, just might become an enduring classic in how to turn problem behaviors into productivity and happiness. (CONTINUE READING)…

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